"EASY SCREENS" allows programmers to easily design screens for incorp- oration into their own applications. It provides the facility to build screens interactively, where the screen can be seen as it is being designed. The screen can be "played" with until the exact desired effect is achieved. Screens in 40 column color text or 80 column color text, with character graphics, can be designed. It requires the following minimum configuration to run: 1. IBM PC or PC/XT (or compatable) with 256K RAM 2. IBM color graphics card or equivalent (such as Hercules Color Card) 3. Color Monitor Included are several demo programs (one in Basic and one in assembler) to show you how to use your custom screens in your own programs. No donation or fee is asked for the private (non-business) use of "EASY SCREENS". To run "EASY SCREENS": set your default drive to A:, insert the diskette in the A: drive, type and enter ESCREENS.